Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:17 NLT
God is a Good God. He is a Good Father. Or is He? The way God our Father is portrayed by Christian religious tradition it seems He is the God who afflicts and tears down and destroys. Is that who God really is?
We are in a new series studying the truth of who God really is. In this fallen world, we do see desolation, devastation, and disaster abound. What is God's role in this?
According to religious tradition and hyper-sovereignty teaching, this is the handiwork of God. God is controlling every aspect of this planet therefore He must be responsible for all the disasters and the desolation. We also must never question this because He is God and must have some mysterious purpose for this.
I passionately disagree. I believe we should stay with the source God Himself gave us to know and understand who He is. He gave us His Word to see His character revealed. God is a Good God and according to the Word, He is not the author of the storms but the calmer of storms!
In this fallen world, we see disease and distress and sickness abound. Does this mean God ordains or orchestrates this? Again, look at the Word, the revealed will of God. Jesus saw sickness and removed it, He never added more to the afflicted.
Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. Jesus is the revealed will of God. Jesus never encountered someone and said I see you're sick I will increase the symptoms so you will really learn humility and patience. I never see Jesus afflict people with pain and agony and suffering to "better" people or to chasten or instruct them.
And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick. Matthew 14:14 NKJV
This is the Savior the Word reveals. A compassionate Lord who heals. What motivated Jesus? Was it some mechanical reaction to prove something? Cold religious traditions of men declare Jesus only healed to affirm He was the Messiah. This is the false notion of cold, lifeless, joyless, bleak man-made religion.
What motivated Jesus?
35 Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. 36 But when He saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them, because they fainted and were scattered, like sheep without a shepherd Matthew 9:35-36 MEV
Jesus didn't heal anyone to prove who He was. The Scriptures prophesied that the Messiah would heal. The prophets of old were only recording what the Spirit revealed to Him. Traditional religion misunderstands and misinterprets this.
They can't comprehend what the Lord did in revealing the work of the Messiah to the prophets. They got a glimpse of the future work of Jesus. It's like they saw a peek into the daily life of Jesus as He walked this earth. They saw Him do many things and simply stated what they saw Him do. Cold, barren religion only sees Jesus working miracles as a wooden, mechanical action to advertise and confirm His identity.
Jesus already knew who He was. He didn't need to prove this to anyone. The problem with this view of Jesus' healing is that it gives credence to their cessationist position. Jesus won't heal today because He only ministered life back then to show peasants and plowmen He was their Messiah. This strips the true heart motive from Jesus to minister to people.
Look how Jesus responded to the people He encountered who were in distress. Jesus ministered life because of His compassion, not any other reason. His heart overflowed with compassion and He wanted to stop suffering. He didn't want to extend it or exacerbate it.
Jesus is also the person of Grace. When He saw the multitude, He was moved with compassion. He was not repelled by any of their sins or shortcomings. Surely, we must know there were people in the crowd who weren't living perfect lives. Yet Jesus was still moved with compassion and ministered healing and life.
Sins, failures, and faults do not stop the Savior's healing hands from sending health, healing, and wholeness. His compassion overshadowed the weaknesses, flaws, and sins of the people. His Grace is greater than sin.
So the question we must ask is, is Jesus any less compassionate today? Has His healing mercies stopped flowing today? Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus is still the merciful loving Savior today. The Father of Lights has no shadow of changing or turning. If He was compassionate to heal then He is still compassionate today. He is Good, receive from your loving Savior today!
Image by patricia nahat from Pixabay