Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Living the Victorious Christian Life


But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 corinthians 15:57 AMPC

But thanks be to God, who is always leading us in triumph in · Christ, and through us is making known the fragrance of the knowledge of him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14 MOUNCE

"Victory! Who doesn’t love the thrill of winning, the joy of a hard-fought triumph? Whether in sports, life, or faith, we all want to experience the elation of victory. When our team wins, we erupt with joy, shouting, high-fiving, and savoring the victory. But when we lose, even though we may be good sports, the sting of defeat lingers. We all crave that feeling of winning—whether in sports or in life.

  But here’s the best part: as Christians, we don’t have to wonder whether we’ll win or lose. In Christ, the victory has already been secured. Every day, no matter the challenges we face, we can walk in triumph because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. 

Victory in Christ!

 Jesus has already won the ultimate victory through His finished work on the cross. He became the curse for us, fully redeeming us from the curse of the Law. His triumph over sin, death, and the enemy is final—and that victory is ours to live in every day.

 Through Christ, we are more than a conqueror. We are not victims but victors in Him. Throughout the New Covenant, we see the keys and the truths we must know to live a victorious Christian life.  

 As always, we must be clear, we are in the New Covenant. I am not inferring there are rules we must keep or tasks we must complete to receive something from God. I’m talking about the principles and truths of the New Creation. When we walk in these, we experience the fullness of our new identity in Christ, leading to a life of victory. Let's begin looking at the victorious overcoming Christian life. 

 As believers, we're called to live a victorious, overcoming life, Jesus and New Covenant writers like Paul, and Peter offer us profound insights into how to walk in triumph while we’re still here on Earth. One foundational truth for living victoriously is wisdom—knowing how to navigate life with godly discernment and making choices that align with God’s plan.

 The Good News is Jesus is our wisdom;

Instead, credit God with your new situation: you are united with Jesus the Anointed. He is God’s wisdom for us and more. He is our righteousness and holiness and redemption. 1 Corinthians 1:30 VOICE

  The amazing truth is that Jesus is our wisdom! Through our union with Him, we have access to the boundless wisdom of God, the Creator of all things. And this wisdom isn’t just for spiritual insights—it’s practical. It applies to every decision, every challenge, and every moment of our daily lives.

 Walk in His Wisdom

 Wisdom gives us the ability to apply knowledge. It is God's knowledge and the know-how to apply it to whatever we face. James tells us we can ask God for wisdom, and He will hear and answer our prayers for wisdom.

 Take note that James didn't teach us to strive for wisdom. He didn't teach that we must earn wisdom. He didn't teach if we perform well enough, God will give us wisdom. No, he said all we must do is believe and not waver. 

 We all need wisdom to manage our possessions and finances better. We all need wisdom when it comes to our health and longevity, not falling prey to fad diets and pills or schemes that supposedly will make us lose fat and be healthier. We all need wisdom to follow God's plan and purpose for our lives and not follow bad counsel or unsound advice. 

 Again, this wisdom has been made available to us through our union with Christ. We can ask and receive wisdom. We can walk wisely in this world knowing as we trust in Him, bring our concerns to Him, and follow His leading, He will direct us toward the right paths.      

  In Christ, we are called to live as overcomers—victorious, triumphant, and filled with the abundant life Jesus promised. But what does this look like practically? It’s easy to say we are overcomers, but when the storms of life hit—when finances are tight, when relationships strain, or when sickness arises—it can be challenging to see ourselves as victorious. 

 Yet, this is precisely when we must lean on the truth of who we are in Christ. We are not defined by our circumstances but by our union with Jesus. Growing in Grace and the knowledge of Jesus is key to walking this victorious overcoming life in our daily life. 

 As we deepen our understanding of Christ’s victory, our faith strengthens, enabling us to stand firm in trials. Through Christ, we are empowered to overcome, not by our strength, but by His grace working through us. The victorious life is one of continual growth in faith, grace, and the assurance of His love and promises.

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay